| Career Orientation and Skills Training for Postdocs


Career Orientation and Skills Training for Postdocs



Picture: Shutterstock/Pavel K

Workshops, Trainings, Lectures and Events

Throughout the year, we offer an array of free-of-charge workshops, trainings, lectures and events with the aim to support postdocs and young leading scientists gain transferable skills, career connections and knowledge of employment options.

We carefully select expert trainers to teach interactive, small group workshops in a variety of relevant subjects. We issue a certificate of completion for each participant at the end of a training. Lectures on important issues like the ‘Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz’ are regularly available. The overview table contains events for all areas of our programmes.

CV and Cover Letter Counseling (virtual or in-person)

Please contact:

Annette Leemans

or Friederike Eickhoff

Meet a Role Model

Our series ‘Meet-a-Role-Model’ features former DESY Postdocs in the science field.

Learn about their career paths and transition from employment in academia to non-academia.

Ask questions and make connections!


If you are unable to attend a COAST workshop, please notify us as soon as possible, ideally at least a week in advance. This allows us to adjust the participant list, accommodate waitlisted individuals, and make necessary adjustments to the workshop plans. Last-minute cancellations are only acceptable in cases of emergencies.

Date Time Title Location
20.01.25 17:00-18:30 Uhr Postdoc Get-Together
Ready to meet your peer postdoc researchers? 
Building 1b Seminar Room 5
22.01.25 13:00 - 15 Uhr
28.01.25 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr Meet-a-Role-Model': Dr. Atefeh Jafari

"Beamline scientist" "Global semiconductor company"

12.02.25 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr

Meet-a-Role-Model: Dr Nico Klemke
Nico followed his passion after his doctoral research


13:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Enhance your Slide Design with the 'Assertion-Evidence' Method with Keri Wolf


10:30-12:30 Uhr

How to manage your time effectively with Dr. Insa Flachsbarth virtual
27.03.25 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr From science to social – navigating social media for scientists with Dr. Karin Bodewits virtual
16.04.25 12:00-13:00 Uhr Meet-a-Role-Model: Heike Neumann
Professor for mathematics at the Hamburg university
