| Career Orientation and Skills Training for Postdocs


Career Orientation and Skills Training for Postdocs


Vincent Botella Soler ©

Vincent Botella Soler ©

How to decide what to do with your career

Eventually, many academics face this possibility: leaving, quitting academia. Ofen, it is a 
decision fraught with much emotion, perceived as a threat to our identity, to our sense of 
self and pride. The uncertainty of our prospects in the outside world also fuels fears and 
doubt. What will I do? What can I do? In this talk we introduce some helpful strategies to 
explore and expand the landscape of our options. We will also discuss practocal tips and tools 
to face the culture change and ease the most common frictions academics face when 
transitioning to a role in the private sector.

Vicent Botella-Soler has been a PhD student (physics), a Postdoc (neuroscience), a machine learning 
consultant for start-ups, a R&D manager for a tech company. With extensive international 
experience in both academia and industry, he now works as a freelance consultant and 
author, helping academics and industry professionals snap out of cognitive traps and long-held beliefs hindering their development. He specializes in critcal thinking and decision-making for individuals and team.

Trainer:        Vicent Botella-Soler
Target Group:  all postdocs
                         (Priority is given to postdocs with a  DESY contract)
Date:                October 07, 2025
Time  :             10:00-12:00

Please register here!

Foto: privat/ Cornelia Rahn

Mini-Workshop/Life Hack „How to transfer your skills from academia to the world outside“

This mini-workshop is about making the participants aware of the skills they have acquired in academia which are attractive for the job market outside of academia. Participants reflect on their individual strengths in a small group. Together, they then compile the "typical" skills acquired in academia and look at how they can be transferred to the "outside" world.

Trainer: Dr. Cornelia Rahn
Target Group:  all postdocs
                         (Priority is given to postdocs with a  DESY contract)
Date:                October 16, 2025
Time  :             10:00-12:30

Please register here!