Books, Blogs & Articles
Career Orientation and Skills Training for Postdocs
Books, Blogs & Articles
Literature & Publications
Thinking of starting a postdoc? Want to know how to move on from a postdoc? Or simply want to make the best of your postdoc years? Being a postdoc is not a career ... but it can be the pivotal point in the making of one. This friendly, practical, and occasionally humorous guide to all things postdoc combines the three authors’ vast experience of postdoc careers and personal development. This is a guide to developing, advancing and furthering yourself and your career.
Wer sich für Wissenschaft als Beruf entscheidet, muss sich dem Auswahlprozess um die Professuren stellen. Der Konkurrenzdruck ist groß und trotz vorhandener gesetzlicher Regeln sind die Verfahren für Bewerberinnen und Bewerber meist undurchschaubar: Berufungsverfahren gleichen daher einer Black Box, sind sie doch Anlass für vielerlei Spekulationen und Projektionen.
Alles, was man für den Forschungs- und Lehralltag an Hochschulen wissen muss. Anhand von Fragen und Problemen aus dem echten Hochschulalltag vermitteln die Autoren Strategien und Kompetenzen, mit denen man die Herausforderungen meistern kann. Anträge schreiben, Aufgaben delegieren, Institute oder Projekte leiten, Studenten betreuen und an die eigene Forschung weiterbringen. Hier werden Ansätze für einen besseren Umgang mit den Herausforderungen von forschen, lehren und führen gegeben. Für Beschäftigte in Hochschulen oder solche, die es werden möchten, bietet dieses Werk zahlreiche Tipps.
Die inhaltliche Zusammenarbeit der Graduierteneinrichtungen der UniWiND-Mitgliedsuniversitäten hat zur Entwicklung von fächer- und hochschulübergreifenden Konzepten und zum Austausch über Best-Practice-Beispiele geführt. Dieses gebündelte Expertenwissen soll mit der seit 2014 vorliegenden Publikationsreihe einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden.
Articles & Resources
Valuable career advice, focusing on personal reflection, leveraging resources, and understanding workplace rights. It emphasizes the importance of community support and provides practical tips for career planning
Wissenschaftsmanagement als Beruf. Strategien für den Einstieg
WEForum Article // Why skills - not degrees - will shape the future of work
Covering PHD Student issues, the Helmholtz Juniors blog is run by the student representative group of the Helmholtz association. The PhD is a large part of life and often a time of great change for both the students undertaking one and those close to them. The balance of work and social life is often a challenge and can be an additional source of stress. This Blog aims to provide a source of information and a forum for discussion of current PHD issues both professional and social.
Taking PhD careers one tip at a time.
Form, structure and what about a photo? We will give you practical tips for your CV that will make it easier for the addressee to get a good picture of you.
Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid: Introduces the assertion-evidence slide structure that has been proven to effectively communicate the work of highly regarded engineers and scientists. Provides a new chapter detailing a fresh approach to communicating with the public, with best practices from distinguished speakers. Goes beyond the topic of handling nervousness to explore the more valuable topic of how to achieve confidence.
Giving one's time and attention to aid someone else’s work: that's an example of kindness in academia. Can kindness go beyond the interpersonal, to the organisational dimension?
Even scholare experience failure, squeezed by the new metrics of evaluation.
- Much of academic evaluation is beyond the control of scholars.
- Defining academic success beyond the metrics of evaluation is important for a sustainable career.
- Tying personal worth to research productivity can lead to burnout and feelings of failure.
- Effective, sustainable, and joyful scholarship has three major components: process, priority, and perspective. Learn more!
- Much of academic evaluation is beyond the control of scholars.
- Defining academic success beyond the metrics of evaluation is important for a sustainable career.
- Tying personal worth to research productivity can lead to burnout and feelings of failure.
- Effective, sustainable, and joyful scholarship has three major components: process, priority, and perspective. Learn more!
‘Stepping aside in favour of your PhD candidate is also good leadership’. How a supervisor and PhD candidate design a coaching programme varies greatly depending on the individual, the subject and direction.
Unconscious biases can pose a challenge to inclusivity in (virtual) meetings, impacting the interaction and participation of certain groups. This is why team meetings can be challenging, for instance when working in international research groups...
Thinking of starting a postdoc? Want to know how to move on from a postdoc? Or simply want to make the best of your postdoc years? Being a postdoc is not a career ... but it can be the pivotal point in the making of one. This friendly, practical, and occasionally humorous guide to all things postdoc combines the three authors’ vast experience of postdoc careers and personal development.